Our Story

Just like us, our brands were born, raised and still reside in Chicago.  This city has so much to offer and food is our favorite part about it!  We're dedicated to bringing you the best snacks from the best city in the whole wide wide world.  

I started selling snacks online in 2015.  I was really just looking to make some extra money while working full-time as a salesman for a beer distributor.  Sales started slowly increasing and we added more brands as time went on.  By 2017 there was no denying it; the people wanted Chicago snacks and I was the man to give it to 'em.

Not long into our journey, we realized the logistics of shipping food was a major turn off for most of the biggest Chicago food brands.  We seized this opportunity with the launch of our Third Party Fulfillment service.  We made it easy for Chicago area food companies to ship their products to their customers without all the headaches and without the customer knowing the package came from us.  We capitalized on the success of our fulfillment business by adding local grocery distribution and eventually brokering our partner's products to stores and distributors all over the world.

It's been a long road to get to this point, but I'm pleased to announce there's a very bright future ahead for Chicago Snack House.  From the bottom of my heart, thank you to every single customer, partner, family member and friend who supported us thus far.  We look forward to serving you and many others again in the future.


Yours Truly,


Jerry Snackhouse